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Title: Simultaneous extraction of four different bioactive compounds from Garcinia indica and their enrichment using Aqueous Two-Phase Systems
Authors: Nainegali, B.S.
Regupathi, I.
Belur, P.D.
Issue Date: 2019
Citation: Food and Bioproducts Processing, 2019, Vol.114, , pp.185-195
Abstract: Garcinia indica fruits contain several important bioactive compounds like anthocyanin, garcinol, isogarcinol and hydroxycitric acid. Simultaneous extraction of these bioactive compounds from the dried G. indica fruit by employing water, acidified water and an aqueous mixture of ethanol and propanol as solvents and subsequent enrichment using Aqueous Two-Phase Systems (ATPS) were studied. Aqueous 1-propanol (60% (v/v)) and aqueous ethanol (80% (v/v)) were found to be a superior solvent to extract anthocyanin, garcinol, isogarcinol and HCA compared to acidified water and water alone as solvent. The crude extract was further subjected to the PEG-salt and alcohol salt based Aqueous Two-Phase Extraction (ATPE) for the simultaneous enrichment of garcinol, isogarcinol into top phase and anthocyanins and hydroxycitric acid towards the bottom phase. The ATPS containing ethanol and ammonium sulfate system with TLL of 38.60 43.28% was found suitable to enrich 86.33% of anthocyanins and 75.17% of HCA in salt-rich bottom phase and 96.39% of garcinol and 94.26% of isogarcinol in ethanol-rich top phase. 2019 Institution of Chemical Engineers
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