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Title: Content-based image retrieval in presence of foreground disturbances
Authors: Shekhar, R.
Chaudhuri, S.
Issue Date: 2006
Citation: IEE Proceedings: Vision, Image and Signal Processing, 2006, Vol.153, 5, pp.625-638
Abstract: The image retrieval problem in the presence of possible foreground disturbances is considered. The foreground may be irrelevant for the retrieval purposes but it occludes the background and hence reduces the retrieval accuracy. The accrued inaccuracy is quantified in terms of cardinality of the occluding region. The use of the sprite generated from a video clip is proposed as a query, so that the effect of moving foreground can be eliminated. The segmented foreground region is filled in by constructing the background sprite to increase the retrieval accuracy. The performance of a retrieval scheme under foreground disturbance is presented here. The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2006.
Appears in Collections:1. Journal Articles

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