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Showing results 4227 to 4246 of 10216 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Supervisor(s)
2018H-LEACH protocol with modified cluster head selection for WSNBasavaraj, G.N.; Jaidhar, C.D.-
2019h-MoO 3 /Activated carbon nanocomposites for electrochemical applicationsSangeetha, D.N.; Krishna, Bhat, D.; Selvakumar, M.-
17-Apr-2023Hackathon held at NITK--
2015Hadoop task scheduling - Improving algorithms using tabular approachMaheshwari, A.; Bhardwaj, A.; Chandrasekaran, K.-
2011Halophilic bacteria and their compatible solutes -osmoregulation and potential applicationsShivanand P.; Mugeraya G.-
2020Hamiltonian theory of classical and quantum gauge invariant perturbations in Bianchi I spacetimesAgullo I.; Olmedo J.; Sreenath V.-
2012HAMP �A highly abstracted and modular programming paradigm for expressing parallel programs on heterogenous platformsBalasubramanian, S.; Raghavendra, P.-
2018Hand gesture-based stable powerpoint presentation using kinectKumar, P.; Jaiswal, A.; Deepak, B.; Ram Mohana Reddy, Guddeti-
2006Handbook Of Statistical Distribution With ApplicationsKrishnamoorthy, K.-
2016Handheld electrochemical workstation for serum albumin measurementHebbar, S.; Kumar, V.; Bhat, M.S.; Bhat, N.-
2011Hantzsch reaction: Synthesis and characterization of some new 1,4-dihydropyridine derivatives as potent antimicrobial and antioxidant agentsVijesh, A.M.; Isloor, A.M.; Peethambar, S.K.; Shivananda, K.N.; Arulmoli, T.; Isloor, N.A.-
2015Hard turning and machine tool: A reviewKumar P.; Chauhan S.R.; Aggarwal A.-
2020Hardcoded Credentials and Insecure Data Transfer in IoT: National and International StatusChandavarkar B.R.-
1987Hardening mechanism in spinodal CuNiCr alloysPrasad, Rao, P.; Agrawal, B.K.; Rao, A.M.-
2012Hardness and electrochemical behavior of ceramic coatings on CP titanium by pulsed laser depositionSujaya, C.; Shashikala, H.D.-
1996Hardness-stress-strain correlation in aluminium - A simpler alternative to visioplasticity in metal formingDharmaveera, N.; Srinivasan, K.-
1996Hardness-stress-strain correlation in copper and brass through compression testingDharmaveera, N.; Srinivasan, K.-
1999Hardness-stress-strain correlation in titanium open die extrusion: an alternative to visioplasticitySrinivasan, K.; Venugopal, P.-
2018Hardware Acceleration of Optically Labeled Human Genome Sequencing using a Novel AlgorithmMulani, K.S.; Kumar, H.; Gaurav, M.K.; Sumam, David S.-
2019A Hardware Accelerator Based on Quantized Weights for Deep Neural NetworksSreehari, R.; Deepu, V.; Arulalan, M.R.-