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Showing results 9764 to 9783 of 10155 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Supervisor(s)
2005Wake pressure flow field characteristics associated with two dimensional triangular prismsYaragal, S.C.; Govinda, Ram, H.S.-
2019Wall heat flux partitioning analysis for subcooled flow boiling of water-ethanol mixture in conventional channelSuhas, B.G.; Sathyabhama, A.; Veerabhadrappa, K.; Suresh, Kumar, R.; Kiran, Kumar, U.-
2017Wall shear stress and oscillatory shear index distribution in carotid artery with varying degree of stenosis: A hemodynamic studyBasavaraja, P.; Surendran, A.; Gupta, A.; Saba, L.; Laird, J.R.; Nicolaides, A.; Mtui, E.E.; Baradaran, H.; Lavra, F.; Suri, J.S.-
1951War and CivilizationTonybee, Arnold J-
2021Waste-polymer incorporated concrete mixes for neutron and gamma radiation shieldingMalkapur S.M.; Ghodke S.S.; Sujatha P.N.; Singh Y.; Shivakumar K.S.; Sen M.; Narasimhan M.C.; Pulgur A.V.-
1940Watches Adjustment & RepairCamm, F J-
2021Water level retrieval and water body mapping: A case study of nagarjuna sagar reservoirAhalya N.; Ramesh H.-
2014Water Quality Assessment in Distribution System Using Artificial IntelligenceKrishnaji, Patki VinayakShrihari, S.; Manu, B.
31-Mar-2023Water scarcity: NITK will advance classes and exams--
7-Apr-2024Water woes prompt NITK to modify its academic calendar--
2020Wave attenuation characteristics of simulated heterogeneous vegetationJohn B.M.; Shirlal K.G.; Rao S.-
1999Wave attenuation characteristics of single row of perforated hollow piles in laboratorySubba, Rao; Rao, N.B.S.; Prasad, J.S.-
2019Wave climate and nearshore sediment transport pattern along the SE coast of IndiaRanga Rao V.; Kolli A.; Stephen Raju K.; Kumaresan D.-
2019Wave energy conversion by multiple bottom-hinged surging WECKumawat A.K.; Karmakar, D.; Guedes Soares C.-
2019Wave Interaction With Floating Elastic Plate Based on the Timoshenko-Mindlin Plate TheoryPraveen, K.M.; Karmakar, D.; Guedes, Soares, C.-
2017Wave interaction with floating platform of different shapes and supports using BEM approachShirkol, A.I.; Nasar, T.-
2019Wave interaction with multiple submerged porous structuresVenkateswarlu V.; Karmakar, D.-
2020Wave motion over stratified porous absorber combined with seaward vertical barrierVenkateswarlu V.; Karmakar D.-
2017Wave Reflection and Loss Characteristics of an Emerged Quarter Circle Breakwater with Varying Seaside PerforationsBinumol, S.; Rao, S.; Hegde, A.V.-