Browsing by Author Kulkarni, M.

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Showing results 10 to 29 of 42 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Supervisor(s)
2015Energy efficient rateless codes for high speed data transfer over free space optical channelsPrakash, G.; Kulkarni, M.; Shripathi, Acharya U.-
2011Energy efficient routing protocols for wireless sensor networks: A surveyShivaprakasha, K.S.; Kulkarni, M.-
2011Energy efficient shortest path routing protocol for wireless sensor networksShivaprakasha, K.S.; Kulkarni, M.-
2013Energy efficient wireless sensor networks using asymmetric distributed source codingRao, A.; Kulkarni, M.-
2018Energy-efficient and reliable data collection in wireless sensor networksPuneeth, D.; Joshi, N.; Atrey, P.K.; Kulkarni, M.-
2013Enhancement of security for free space optics based on reconfigurable chaotic techniqueAbdulameer, L.F.; Jignesh, D., J.; Shripathi, Acharya U.; Kulkarni, M.-
2018Extreme learning machine for salient object detection in imagesKulkarni, M.; An, Y.; Patil, N.-
2014FPGA implementation of a BCH Codec for free space optical communication systemKoila, S.; Goutham, Simha, G.D.; Kulkarni, M.; Shripathi, Acharya U.-
2012Geographical location based hierarchical routing strategy for wireless sensor networksKumar, P.; Chaturvedi, A.; Kulkarni, M.-
2019Hybrid LDPC-STBC communications system based on chaosAbdulameer, L.F.; Jignesh, J.D.; Shripathi, Acharya U.; Kulkarni, M.-
2013Hybrid scheme for CFO cancellation in OFDM systemsSavitha, H.M.; Kulkarni, M.-
2013Improved network survivability using multi-threshold adaptive range clustering (M-TRAC) algorithm for energy balancing in wireless sensor networksShivaprakasha, K.S.; Kulkarni, M.; Joshi, N.-
2010An improved turbo decoding scheme for impulsive channelSavitha, H.M.; Kulkarni, M.-
2015Integration of LwIP Stack over Intel(R) DPDK for High Throughput Packet Delivery to ApplicationsRajesh, R.; Ramia, K.B.; Kulkarni, M.-
2018Medical Image Retrieval Using Manifold Ranking with Relevance FeedbackSoundalgekar, P.; Kulkarni, M.; Nagaraju, D.; Sowmya, Kamath S.-
2010MIMO radar with spatial-frequency diversity for improved detection performanceShanbhag, K.V.; Deb, A.; Kulkarni, M.-
2019Modified QUIC protocol for improved network performance and comparison with QUIC and TCPKharat, P.; Kulkarni, M.-
2012A novel hybrid scheme using MLE with pulse shaping for ICI cancellation in OFDM systemsSavitha, H.M.; Kulkarni, M.-
2009A novel optimal fuzzy system for color image enhancement using bacterial foragingHanmandlu, M.; Verma, O.P.; Kumar, N.K.; Kulkarni, M.-
2013On the improved performance of luby transform codes over selective repeat ARQ in turbulent free space optical linksPrakash, G.; Nayak, A.; Kulkarni, M.; Acharya, S.-