Browsing by Author Chaturvedi, A.

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Showing results 8 to 25 of 25 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Supervisor(s)
2019Faster load flow algorithm for radial distribution network using graph theorySharma, D.P.; Chaturvedi, A.; Saxena, R.; Krishna, R, J.-
2018Fuzzy-interval based probabilistic query generation models and fusion strategy for energy efficient wireless sensor networksKumar, P.; Chaturvedi, A.-
2013A geographical location aware energy efficient routing scheme for query based Wireless Sensor NetworksKumar, P.; Chaturvedi, A.; Shrivastava, S.-
2012Geographical location based hierarchical routing strategy for wireless sensor networksKumar, P.; Chaturvedi, A.; Kulkarni, M.-
2011An improved mechanism of leaf node identification for radial distribution networksSharma, D.P.; Chaturvedi, A.; Purohit, G.; Prasad, G.-
2014Life time enhancement of wireless Sensor Network using fuzzy c-means clustering algorithmKumar, P.; Chaturvedi, A.-
2015Location movement and multiplicity attributes of sink in query-based wireless sensor networksKumar, P.; Chaturvedi, A.-
2012Microstrip patch antenna combining crown and Sierpinski fractal-shapesBhomia, Y.; Chaturvedi, A.; Sharma, Y.K.-
2014Performance analysis of energy aware routing protocol for Wireless Sensor NetworksKumar, P.; Chaturvedi, A.-
2017Performance measures of fuzzy C-means algorithm in wireless sensor networksKumar, P.; Chaturvedi, A.-
2016Probabilistic query generation and fuzzy c -means clustering for energy-efficient operation in wireless sensor networksKumar, P.; Chaturvedi, A.-
2019A Robust Pansharpening Algorithm Based on Convolutional Sparse Coding for Spatial EnhancementGogineni, R.; Chaturvedi, A.-
2015Sink attributes analysis for energy efficient operations of wireless sensor networks under randomly varying temporal and spatial aspects of query generationKumar, P.; Chaturvedi, A.-
2018Sparsity inspired pan-sharpening technique using multi-scale learned dictionaryGogineni, R.; Chaturvedi, A.-
2017Spatial Temporal Aspects Integrated Probabilistic Intervals Models of Query Generation and Sink Attributes for Energy Efficient WSNKumar, P.; Chaturvedi, A.-
2016Spatio-temporal probabilistic query generation model and sink attributes for energy-efficient wireless sensor networksKumar, P.; Chaturvedi, A.-
2010Truncated tip triangular microstrip patch antennaChaturvedi, A.; Bhomia, Y.; Yadav, D.-
2019Wearable sensor-based human fall detection wireless systemKumar, V.S.; Acharya, K.G.; Sandeep, B.; Jayavignesh, T.; Chaturvedi, A.-